Une transition humaniste, dans le flux du Tao.
We Are All Artelligent!
5 “The Love Song” (4:06)
Traditional, Yakutia/lyrics adaptation : Melanie Gabriel
6 “El Zopilote” (3:51)
Lyrics: Melanie Gabriel/music: Thierry Van Roy
7 “Dream Catching” (5:18)
Lyrics: Melanie Gabriel/music: Thierry Van Roy
8 “Jaguar” (4:50)
Lyrics: Melanie Gabriel/music: Thierry Van Roy
9 “Timeo Vitam” (4:01)
Lyrics: Melanie Gabriel/music: Thierry Van Roy & Mayan trad. song
10 “Ocean Years” (7:30)
Lyrics: Melanie Gabriel/music: Thierry Van Roy & Evenk trad. song
11 “This Land” (5:17)
Lyrics: Melanie Gabriel/music: Thierry Van Roy
12 “Time Illusion Final” (3:28)
With: Melanie Gabriel (lead vocal), Thierry Van Roy (keyboards, additional guitars), Karim Baggili (oud, guitars, back vocals), Thierry Hercod (Bandoura), Osvaldo Hernandez (percussions, flutes, strings, lead vocals on “los celos”), Patricia Van Cauwenberge (percussions, boleadoras), and many other singers and musicians from Yakutia and Mexico.